09 August 2024 – 21:00 / Maggia

Special evening for the 40th anniversary of the Vasco Jam with two very special guests Claudio “Il Gallo” Golinelli and Andrea Braido former members of Vasco Rossi's band

Special evenings for Vallemaggia Magic Blues are nothing new. Over the years on several occasions we have collaborated with others in organizing various evenings. One above all, the legendary Status Quo in 2013 in Cevio with our friends from HC Maggia. This year the occasion comes again thanks to the 40th anniversary celebration of Vasco Jam, the first ever cover band dedicated to the Italian rocker. In 1984, 2 years after Vasco Rossi's first concert at the Discoteca Le stelle in Ascona, a group of 5 friends gave birth to the first lineup that would see them, with several changes over the years, on the road for a very long series of concerts lasting 40 years in the canton of Ticino, Oltralpe and Italy, attracting concert after concert an increasingly large and passionate audience until they became the legendary band that all of us Vasco lovers know. For the occasion, two very special guests, who were with Vasco Rossi on stage on July 1, 2017 at the concert-event Modena Park 2017, will be present in Maggia: Claudio "Il Gallo" Golinelli and Andrea Braido

Locarnese's youngsters Golden Serval will open. Serata "spericolata"!

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Vasco Jam


Two years have passed since Vasco Rossi's first concert at the discoteca “Le stelle” in Ascona, when in 1984 a group of five friends, founded the "Vasco Jam," the first ever cover band dedicated to the Italian rocker. Vasco's popularity, thanks in part to his participation in two editions of Sanremo, is booming, while the Ticino group is still in its infancy; but despite their young age, the musicians are full of enthusiasm and with clear ideas. They win a music competition at the Swiss level and decide to enrich their repertoire, refine their sound and begin a very long series of concerts that lasted 40 years in the canton of Ticino, beyond the Alps and in Italy, attracting concert after concert an increasingly large and passionate audience. In its 40 years of existence, the lineup underwent numerous changes, and to date there are nearly 30 musicians, who have succeeded each other on stage. After founding the band together with Donato "Peavey" Pelloni and being its lead singer for 19 years, Ivan Maggini left the band and Alain Scherrer succeeded him on vocals, joining Roberto Baccalà (drums), Lele Pozzi (acoustic guitar and backing vocals), Leo Schena (keyboards) and Daniele Zanusso (bass). In the following years it will be Enrico "Kikko" Sibona (sax), Luigi Biamino (guitar) and Tony Princiotta (guitar) who will complete the lineup and give it a stability that has lasted for several years. The band's repertoire spans the entire career of Vasco.

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Claudio "Il Gallo" Gollinelli


For fans of Vasco Rossi bass means only one person: Claudio Golinelli, known to most as Il Gallo. An eccentric and musically trained artist. He was born in Imola on October 12, 1950, and from an early age showed a penchant for music. At the age of 8 he was already playing drums in his father's GinoK orchestra, and from the age of 12 he attended the conservatory, graduating in double bass. His career began in 1969 with the group I Baci and after military service his career took a turn. He joins the Italian-American band Zebra Crossing and participates in the European tour. He then worked in Gianna Nannini's band, and in 1980 he came into contact with Vasco Rossi, beginning an association that would virtually never end. In 1987 with the Steve Rogers Band, the group accompanying Vasco at that time, he released the album Alzati la gonna, whose title track became a true catchphrase. Over the years besides Vasco collaborates with several Italian artists such as Ron, Stadio, Celentano, Finardi, Fortis and Battiato just to name a few. Due to health problems in 2008 he interrupted everything until 2009, when he returned to work with Vasco and other projects, such as the Gallo Team. In July 2017 he was alongside Vasco Rossi at the 2017 Modena Park mega concert, but in 2018, an illness forced him to skip the tour almost entirely. Starting with the "VascoNonStop Live 2019" he plays alternating on stage with Andrea Torresani.

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Andrea Braido


Andrea Braido was born in Trento and began playing drums at the age of 4 driven by a very strong passion and supported artistically in his family by a culturally favorable environment. Around the age of 12 he began to play guitar and bass always self-taught absorbing all usable music. After a short trip to Boston and New York at the age of 20, made of many jam-sessions with key figures in the history of world jazz, he returns to Italy and starts working professionally participating first in many jam-sessions and jazz/fusion and rock concerts. He plays all types of guitar, electric bass, drums and percussion. His career includes many collaborations both on live tours and in the studio with numerous artists and music programs. After being a session player for Patty Pravo, F. Baccini and Mina, he became Vasco Rossi's guitarist from 1989 (Liberi liberi Tour) until 1995, for the album "Nessun pericolo... per te." In 1990 Braido collaborates with Zucchero on the "Oro, Incenso e Birra Tour" and for "Live at the Kremlin." Later, he toured with other musicians, including Adriano Celentano and on the world tours of Laura Pausini and Eros Ramazzotti. After his experiences with Raf and Paola Turci, he devoted himself to his own artistic project, releasing seven records under his own name between 1991 and 2006. On July 1, 2017, he was invited by Vasco Rossi to the concert-event Modena Park 2017, in front of more than 220,000 spectators.

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Golden Serval


Golden Serval is a young rock band from the Locarno area formed in early 2022 consisting of: Joey Baccalà (drums), Nathan Maggini (guitar), Melyssa Fanton (vocals) and Massimiliano Marra (bass). The Golden was born from an idea of Joey and Nathan who wanted to create a project by starting to play covers of the bands they were inspired by during their musical journey and then gradually adding unreleased songs written by them. The Band's repertoire varies a lot and is composed of the songs that have made rock music history, going through bands such as Deep Purple, Bon Jovi, Pink Floyd, Guns N'Roses, etc... The guys currently have two unreleased songs and are always excited to let their audience hear them. They currently have more than 20 concerts under their belt, mainly in the Locarno area, but with a few appearances in the Bellinzona area as well. In June 2022, the band participated in the Iunaited Carnival Band Competition, winning, and had the opportunity to perform in the main hall in the Sun Square at Rabadan. Since the beginning of the journey there have been several lineup changes leading to the current one. The young people have a great desire to have their music heard and look forward to playing around the world.

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